Mike Hart
Chief Executive Officer
Sierra Railroad Company
Mike Hart has been the CEO of Sierra Railroad Company for 30 years, leading its freight, passenger, and real estate divisions to significant environmental achievements, including the development of America’s first hybrid hydrogen locomotives in collaboration with the State of California. His company, Sierra Northern Railway, was named the “Most Environmental Railroad” in 2024. Additionally, as CEO of Sierra Energy, he collaborates with public agencies, academia, and industry on environmental and regulatory issues. Sierra Energy is working with Sierra Railroad Company to develop locomotives powered by hydrogen fuel cells and batteries using Sierra Energy's zero-emission FastOx gasification technology. Sierra Energy's FastOx gasification can take any type of waste and convert it to clean energy, including hydrogen, with no emissions. His work has earned him prestigious recognitions such as the “Environmental Hero” from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a “Champion of Change” from the Obama administration. Hart is an alumnus of the University of California at Davis, Singularity University, and Stanford Business School’s Advanced Management Program, and serves as an Edmund Hillary Fellow in New Zealand.